Certifications & Licenses
Industry-Based Certifications (IBCs)
Approved Industry-Based Certifications for Public School Accountability
The Texas Education Agency (TEA) is releasing the updated list of industry-based certifications to be used for public school accountability. The new list of industry-based certifications is scheduled to go into effect for the 2019-2020 school-year and will apply to school accountability ratings in August 2021.
As the new list is reviewed, please make note of the following:
- Business, Marketing and Finance clusters have been aligned together. In addition, Government & Public Administration has been aligned with the Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security career cluster.
- Industry-Based Certifications are valuable in multiple career clusters. An example of this is the Autodesk AutoCAD certification which aligns with several careers. If the certification is earned, a district should report the certification regardless of the primary cluster identified on the list.
Current list of approved Industry-Based Certifications for Public School Accountability (PDF)
Industry-recognized credentials offer students the ability to validate their knowledge and understanding in specific career areas. They also give students a sense of accomplishment, prove skill, and are valuable tools for current and future workforce opportunities.
Anna ISD CTE strives to embed certification or license testing into all career pathways. Our Teachers and Administration rely on the industry expertise of our Advisory Committee to help determine the need and validity of all certifications or licenses.
Please see below for a detailed list of certifications offered at Anna ISD, as well as those earned each year.