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Robotics Students at Anna High School meet weekly throughout the school year where teams will design, build, and program a robot that will compete in this year’s VEX Robotics Competitions. 

Students wanting to be in Robotics must meet the following requirements: 

  • Be enrolled in a STEM class.

  • Be able to attend after school meetings and attend competitions on and off campus. 

  • Maintain a passing average in all classes.  

VEX Robotics Competition (VRC)

VEX Robotics Competition (VRC) is a robotics competition for middle school and high school students with two different divisions: middle school and high school. Students from Grades 6-12 may participate. At tournaments, teams compete in qualifying matches where two teams vs two teams compete for points. In the Elimination Rounds, alliances of two teams are selected by the top-seeded teams, and the alliance who wins the finals is the winner of the tournament. 

